Metropolitan Transportation Commission: SF Bay Area Real Time Road Work Dashboard
As the lead designer I established user journeys, researched frameworks, built wireframes and final HD designs for a real time data dashboard tool used by government workers, transit agencies and contractors to track all road work affecting the 9.5 Million people in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Key Features:
– Create and monitor work zone events with your mobile phone on site at the work zone
– Add exact street location start and end points to a map
– Manage various user types and views
– View all past, active and future work zones in the SF Bay Area area, in map and list view
The US Department of Transportation allocated $2.4 million for “public roadway operators to make unified work zone data feeds available for use by third parties.” California received a portion of this funding for the Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) to allow for a system that gives all San Francisco Bay Area counties, transit operators, and contractors the ability to create and edit past, current and future work zone events to a shared visual database.
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
lowercase productions, TransSIGHT